aseke AQUA seabed mooring chains acc to NS 9415

The fish farming standard NS 9415:2009 states in chapter ‘11.5 Corrosion’: ‘’Mooring line components that are not required for annual inspection, is assumed that the diameter will decrease 0,4mm annually and between each inspection’’.

Based on this theory, we have constructed our mooring chains to be specialized as weight chains for sea-bottom installations as used in the fish farming- and marina branches.

Experience over decades has shown that corrosion is the bigger challenge compared with the breaking load as to the life time of a sea-bottom mooring chain.

On these background the aseke weight chains as seen at our web catalog number 5 (, have been constructed in 2mm dia thicker steel bars compared to traditionally used types of weight chains. 

Based on the geometry of the aseke weight chains, the weight per meter is equal to the traditionally used constructions - thereby also the price per kilogram and meter!

Comparable weights per meter are important as they shall be reflected in the calculations of each fish farm.

Based on the reference of corrosion in the NS 9415:2009 standard the aseke weight chains will have theoretically longer life time of about 5 years.

The cost savings by the use of aseke weight chains will therefore be considerable!

We believe that you, your company and customers should be aware of this considerable economical saving by using the aseke weight chains compared to the traditionally used constructions and diameters.

Please call us for further info and discussions on this subject.

Nov 10, 2014