aseke® is now certified as experts

This is all about the safety and security of the aseke components and chains you are using.

We have been certified by Norsk Sertifisering which is the body accredited by the The Working Enviroment Act and acc to EN 45011.

 We have presented a documented control system and professional qualifications that are all covered by the ‘Administrative rules §8.6’.

aseke® has futher adopted the ‘Onix Work’ database which enables our customers and ourselves to extract documentation and product certificates 24/7.

Our customers can rest assured that all aseke documentation available through Onix Work will relate to all valdid laws, rules and restrictions and the governmental requirements.   

We with aseke® hope these measures will contribute to the simpler day-to-day work for our customers and that we will be accepted as a good and sound supplier.

Feb 27, 2018